Friday, March 4, 2016

Day 15: Subject Eats Weird Things

Look, sometimes you have a party, and there are leftovers.  And sometimes, maybe, it isn't worth going to the store to round out your meal.  So you just eat the leftovers.  All week.  And then sometimes, very rarely, what you're left with is a head of broccoli and some ranch dressing.

Here we see the wild Jessica, eating what she has foraged
 from the sparse, post-party landscape.

Crikey.  She's spotted us.

The wild Jessica, having grown tired of her meal, is willing to share.


  1. At first glance, I thought that was ranch dressing on your fingertips.

    And then I thought, she wouldn't be that committed to a sight gag.

    And then I thought, she totally would be.
