Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Day 6: Subject's New Tattoo

If I am going to call this blog Acceptance365, I suppose at some point I have to stop hiding behind dogs and children and actually post some pictures that contain things I need to accept about myself.  That's a little scary, though, so today I'm easing into the shallows by posting some pictures that are a mixed bag.  There are some things I need to accept, but the focal point is something I love.

This, ladies and gentleman, is my new tattoo.

It's surprisingly hard to take a picture of one's own back, even with the aid of mirrors and what not.  

My tattoo is beautiful.  I love it.  And I guess the point of this blog is to try to love everything else in this picture as well.  So... this is my back.  Sometimes it punks out on me, and that's not my favorite thing, but most of the time it is both strong and serviceable, and I appreciate that very much.  

Thanks, back.  You're doing a great job.

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