Monday, February 22, 2016

Day 5: Subject and Spawn say "I Love You."

When Elliot and Charlotte were in preschool, they had a teacher that knew ASL.  Neither of them came away with many signs, but Charlotte grew attached to the sign for "I Love You," and uses it with great delight at the slightest opportunity.

Yes, she's wearing a bikini top.  Yes, it's February, and quite chilly out.  
Yes, there are parenting battles I choose not to fight.  
Moving on...

Today I earned the coveted high sign by giving her chips.  Clearly, I am doing a stellar job with this whole "buying my children's affections thing.

My son is brilliant in many ways, but he has some issues with fine motor skills.
There we go!

Elliot has to work harder to make his hands sign properly, so I'm more likely to get a verbal acknowledgement from him, but when I told him I wanted to take a picture he gave me his best effort.  And I think, really, that's probably a better sign of how much he loves me than any finger signal.

For my babies.  An "I Love You" back.

And here we have the promised daily picture of me.  An "I love you" for my babies, and for anyone out there whose feeling like they need it today.  Here, I'll even throw in some bonus love, just in case:

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