Sunday, May 14, 2017

Day 92: Mrs. Whatsit is Motherhood Goals

"That's what I have to think about. Not about being afraid. Or not being as smart as IT. Mrs. Whatsit loves me. That's quite something, to be loved by someone like Mrs. Whatsit."
-A Wrinkle in Time

I've been thinking a lot, recently, about what my goals for motherhood are.  It's tempting to focus on who or what I hope my kids will grow to be, but the truth is that, while I can influence that, I can't really control it, and even if I could I probably shouldn't.  Instead I think about the kind of mother I want to be, and after reading A Wrinkle in Time to the kids, I think I've finally figured it out.

See, there's this scene at the end of the book, where Meg is scared out of her wits, and going to face a foe that is way, way stronger than she is.   She doesn't know how she's going to fight him, and she's terrified she'll fail to save her little brother, and--all in all--it's a pretty dark hour for her.

But then she remembers that Mrs. Whatsit loves her.  And while that doesn't make the fear go away, or really give her any ideas about what to do, it does help.  Because knowing that someone like Mrs. Whatsit--someone that special and wonderful--loves her, gives Meg the strength to keep going even in the face of her fear.

And that's who I want to be as a mother.  I want to be someone so special and wonderful that just knowing that I love them makes my kids stronger and better people.  It gives them courage in the dark times and helps them carry on when things seem hopeless.  I want the experience of having my love to be "quite something."

I know.  It's a crazy goal.  And maybe even unattainable.  But it seems like a worthy one, and so, on this Mother's Day, I am dedicating myself to this idea.  That Mrs. Whatsit is my new Motherhood Goal, and that someday, even if I don't know it, my children will remember that I love them, and it will be enough to see them through.

Mother's Day kisses to you all!

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