Friday, April 28, 2017

Day 89: Sometimes I Write Poetry.

I left my window open to the Spring
Hoping the air would steal into my room
And whisper in my ear of possibilities
Of flights of fancy and what may be
Of daydreams and hopes and longings

I left my window open and the Spring
Crept in on the heels of Night
Easing gently into my bed and settling beside me
Caressing my skin and teasing my senses
Murmuring a summons to my long dormant soul

I left my window open and Spring came to me
Like a balm and a blessing, a lover and a friend
Soothing and awakening and offering delights
That waited only for me to free myself
From the chill of winter's grasp

I left my window open and awoke to Spring
And laughed--glad
To finally see myself in bloom.

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