I wanted to mourn.
I woke up before dawn, and I couldn't sink back into sleep. Instead as the sky grew lighter I watched my children's faces, thinking of their next four years.
They were at peace, but I was not.
I thought of how my son will start middle school under an administration that wants to cut the Department of Education. Of how my daughter will be shaped by a country that willingly elected a man who has no respect for her rights to her own body. I thought of these things and I wanted to mourn--to cry out and give voice to the fear and sorrow so many are feeling.
But I can't.
Because for me to mourn would mean that I have given up hope. It would mean that I believe we are well and truly beaten. And I don't believe that. I don't believe it at all.
We are not done yet.
And I will not mourn.
It's true there are too many Americans who are willing to see Donald Trump in the White House. It is a fear inspiring fact. But don't forget, he may have won the electoral college, but he
lost the popular vote. Yes, there are many, many people who voted for him.
But there are still more of
You are one of us if you believe a woman has a right to say who can and cannot touch her body, and that no one, no matter how powerful or wealthy, can take away that right.
You are one of us if you believe that people of all ethnicities and all religions deserve fair and equal consideration in the eyes of the law.
You are one of us if you believe in compassionate support for those fleeing dangerous conflicts in their own home countries.
You are one of us if you believe that the children in our own country should have enough food to eat, clothes to wear, a warm place to sleep, and a decent chance at life.
You are one of us if you believe education is the path forward, and that access to education is one of the best gifts we can offer future generations.
You are one of us if you believe that climate change is real, and that we must alter our headlong trajectory into making our own planet unlivable.
You are one of us if you believe that facts and evidence are more important than rhetoric. If you believe that rational discussion is better than abusive attempts at control. If you believe that there is room for understanding and compassion even between people who disagree.
There are many of us.
Some of us didn't vote yesterday. Some of us voted for another candidate. That's in the past. We can't change it. What we can do is reach out to those all around and remind ourselves that we are many and that there is power in that. The most effective movements towards justice in our country have always come from the populace, not the government.
We speak. We make our voices heard. We do not give up.
I will not give up.
Buckle up, folks, cause it's going to be a bumpy four years. You know what's coming down the pike. There are going to be fights over Roe v Wade. There are going to be fights over national health care. There are going to be fights over immigration. There are going to be fights over education.
Don't mourn. Don't roll over and accept it.
Buckle up.
Climate change is a deadly calamity. We cannot allow Congress and the President to ignore it. Nuclear war is
not an option, and we must make that clear. There must be accountability among our law enforcement for the actions they take while wearing a badge, and if the states won't act to enforce that then the country must.
The words engraved on the Statue of Liberty still read "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." If we dream of being that nation--if we dream of being a refuge and a beacon of hope--then we must speak out again and again.
Don't mourn. Don't cave. BUCKLE UP.
This is a struggle for the soul of our nation. Be ready to show up. Not just on social media, but in the real, live world. Learn the route to DC from your hometown, and figure out how to get there when we need to turn out in force. Join the mailing lists for the groups you support, and when they have a rally drag yourself there so that your support can be noticed. I know you have a life. We all have lives. That's why we have to do this--because the lives of all our future generations will be shaped by what we allow our country to become.
Write your Senators. Write your Representatives. Write our new President-Elect. Let them know you haven't given up. Let them know that we, the majority of the country, are still here.
Let them know that we are prepared.
Buckle up.
Below you will find a links to organized groups that are trying to effect change in some of these areas. These are by no means the only groups available. If you have a suggestion of a link to add, please let me know.
Injustice Boycott
AWID Women's Rights
National Organization of Women (please note the NOW website is currently busted)
Stand for Children
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Refugee Council USA